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New ‘Gaudí’ line installed in Walmart*

Beor is back!

Thanks to the hard work from our team and the use of Technology 4.0, we at Beor were able to keep operating behind the scenes throughout the recent Covid-19 lockdowns- working on commissions from manufacturers in countries such Guatemala, Israel and Italy!

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Our Gaudí ciabatta line is one example of the work taking place- previously installed for Walmart* (Guatemala), it has shown continuously high standards of quality in finished product. Walmart* will be continuing its support of Gaudí machinery by going on to launch the new addition to the Gaudí family, an industrial sheeting line suitable for producing bread with hydration levels from 50 to 100%!

As a company, Beor have always been one step ahead in technological innovation…and our machinery is no exception! All of our machines come equipped with both ethernet and wireless connections, and wireless screens included-  allowing users maximum control and giving Beor flexibility in their support systems. Aided by innovative Technology 4.0, we can assist customers with key manufacturing issues such as recipe modification and diagnostic testing, resulting in fewer non-conformances.

Walmart* launching its new Gaudí, an industrial sheeting line suitable to produce breads with hydrations from 50% to 100%, always depending on the type of flour.